Learn about debt collection payment processing services at Website Payment

Merchant Accounts for Debt Collection Agencies

Merchant Accounts for Debt Collection Agencies

Reliable Payment Processing for Debt Collection Businesses

Website Payment Pro provides tailored solutions to simplify operations for debt collection agencies. Our high-risk merchant accounts and payment processing services cater specifically to the debt collection industry, facilitating secure and efficient transactions.

Streamlined Payment Solutions

  • Online payment gateways with integrated chargeback and fraud prevention tools
  • EMV-compatible POS systems for card-present transactions
  • Fast Bank Account Verification (IAV) to validate checks and echecks before acceptance
  • Virtual terminals for staff-entered MOTO payments
  • Solutions that enhance outgoing call center capabilities
  • Level II and III data capturing for B2B transactions
  • Transaction fee caps to maximize profits on large ticket sales
  • Automated recurring billing
  • Integration support for seamless connectivity with third-party applications

PCI Compliance Support

With over 25 years of experience serving a wide range of merchants, including those in high-risk industries, Website Payment Pro offers debt collection merchant accounts with competitive rates, up-to-date equipment, and transparent pricing. Our lower rate guarantee ensures you receive the best value for your payment processing needs.

Explore our tailored debt collection payment gateway and high-risk merchant account solutions. Contact us at 800-304-0555 to learn more about our services for the debt collection industry.